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There is nothing wrong with respecting someones form of religion regardless of ones own belief.

viper1969 4 Aug 19

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Separating the people from any differences we might have requires no less. If i want to be respected as a person who has no religious inclinations, disrespecting others for their religious beliefs would be totally hypocritical to me.


Religion is toxic by nature and is regressing back to the dark ages (one of the many bleak era's in religious history). I can no longer respect anyone's supporting it.


It depends... on how far behaind they left rationality, or how fanatical they are.


I respect the fact that getting closer to the truth can be a time-consuming process. Many atheists were believers at one point, and would have appreciated basic human respect while working out their worldview. And not one of us will ever know everything. The respect deserved is for the person, not the belief.

skado Level 9 Aug 19, 2018

What if you’re religion free, and seek nothing but interesting facts? You’re to respect someone denying those facts?

Varn Level 8 Aug 19, 2018

I can respect the person without respecting their evil religion. I would never pretend to respect the pedophile ring Catholic church, for instance.


As long as they don't try to convert me


I respect their right to believe anything they wish, but I don’t and won’t respect their religion. Very few believers of any religion afford that same right to atheists.


I struggle with "respecting" those who believe in God and the teachings of their religions. A couple of my friends are Christians, a few are Muslims. I tend just "tolerate" it, and choose not to discuss it unless they wish to. In which case they all know my stance already.

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