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Religion talks about having faith, but I believe there is a difference between faith and blind faith. Faith is actually based in something we can acknowledge, like my son studies hard for a test I have faith that he will do well on it. Not "hey look up there, do you see it?"No I don't. Oh you have to have faith to see it.
Am I to far off base here?

Teterbilt 6 Aug 19

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We are co-creators of our own universe..making our own reality.
What you believe, or fear, comes to you, since your focus on it makes it manifest, for good or for bad.

“Consciousness is fundamental and matter is derived from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics


Having faith in someone’s ability do something, such as a test as in the example you gave , is not quite the same thing as having faith in God. Your son is real and god is imaginary. You can have a good idea how well your son will do based on the evidence that he has studied hard and has the right attitude. None of this can be applied faith in either God’s existence or his ability affect anything, as there is absolutely no evidence support these assertions. I therefore see what you mean about belief in God being blind faith. I would actually call it misplaced faith.

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