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Good morning! Yes even today a cloudy, raining Monday in Virginia Eastern Shore. I love Mondays! Not to many people agree with me.
Or at least that is the perception. I am a morning person, a fresh start! Revivals and happiness. So Mondays are the mornings for the rest of the week. I am wondering how many people agree with that?

Eldovis 7 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm hearing Karen Carpenter's beautiful voice in my mind.


Usually by Sunday late I am rested and eager to take on the world the next day. Yes, I like Mondays too, even better when things line up for a good start


I'm not a Monday person nor a morning person. However, I love your enthusiasm. I'm generally a very positive person (after I've had my coffee) and often hope that positivity will help others turn their frown upsidedown!


I hate capitalism, so no, I don’t agree with you on this one.

How is that capitalism? I fail to see the connection!

@Eldovis “you don’t hate Monday’s, what you hate is capitalism”


At least it's breathable - wildfire smoke is so bad we need to wear an N95 mask to go out the front door. I will not be riding my bicycle 😟.

Sorry to hear about the fires and smoke in your area. Hopefully it will clear up soon!

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