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Has being agnostic ever actually caused you serious problems, maybe work or in relationships?

Dasuberdude 3 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I once put up a small zombie Jesus poster in my cubicle and 2 days later my Evangelical boss's boss canceled my project and laid me off.

That's definitely a YES! Sorry that happened to you.


Nah I don't really shout it from the rooftops so I don't have a tendency to draw in a lot of negative attention from the religious majority


Not so far,I'm retired,seldom interact with some of the more religious groups ,keeping to myself,at places I've worked before in California,there were many attempts to have me join Church organizations but I begged off.


Through online dating, I met two Christian men whose goal was to convert me. That went well.

"Martin Luther said there are no atheists," one man said triumphantly, as if that settled the matter. I laughed.

"I don't care what a Catholic monk said 400 or 500 years ago," I replied and stood up. "I'm done. Thanks for feeding me! Goodbye."


I was always the boss so if they had a problem with my lack of belief in their silly fairy tales then they could go pound salt and get on down the road kicking stones.


Wouldn't it be interesting to know the actual percentage of people who are like us but not brave enough to say it. I bet it's enormous but we'll never really know.

@ProudMary Would you lose your job, or be demoted if word got out about you lack of belief?

@ProudMary Almost as bad as being a moslem and forgetting some of their "Commands" and be killed for that omission...

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