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I am deeply concerned about the concerted attempts of evangelical Christians to erode, if not eliminate, the separation of church and state. It can erode, if not eliminate our democracy and civil liberties.

wordywalt 9 Oct 16

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The struggle is real frauds in fake tans are proclaiming Christian values, while stripping away hard won rights and freedoms.


You should be concerned. They are losing the culture war, and are losing numbers, and they know it; so, they are desperately trying to use the government to force their beliefs onto others. Given the opportunity, they would, in time, become just as bad as the Taliban et al.


If you want to be known as the: mean, evil, going to HELL, Atheist, try being the guy fighting to keep them out of the public space at every-turn. At least they are all praying for me, lol!


It isn't just happening in the US it is happening in Canada as well. It is actully a plan hatched by the Evangelist Missionary Alliance they are actually sponsoring training at christian universities like Trinity Western to young bright deluded to hijack conservative parties. The present leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is one of these dangerous wing nuts. He has appointed only anti-abortionists to his shadow cabinet.

I don't think people realize just how dangerous these people are; they are the Canadian Taliban.


They are not in power at this time and with a little luck might never be.


I also am very, very concerned about the separation of church and state. I often wear a T-shirt that says "Freedom IS the distance between church and state." I live in Indiana and I can tell you that the legislation I saw Pence passing or attempting to pass scared the hell out of me. My concern has ratcheted up since more and more people are saying DT should be removed from office (25th amendment) which might mean that Pence could become POTUS. To me, Pence has no understanding of the concept of separation of church and state the the utter imperative that that standard be maintained throughout our government.

As a woman who has been a feminist for 50 years, I strongly support a woman's right to choose and I see that right disappearing because of Christians saying that the soul enters the embryo at the moment of conception and thus it is a "human being" and cannot be electively aborted. These same Christians, however, have no problems with killing a man who murdered their child because they want revenge.

Our constitution guarantees every American the right to believe (or not believe) as they choose. What it does not allow is for any one person or group to force their views onto the American people. To do so would mean that every religious group, and there are currently over 300 religions and denominations in the USA, would mean that each and every one of them could try to inflict their views on the nation. It would be utter chaos.

What I see happening is that the Christians, by far the largest group of believers in the US, are trying to use their Christian "values" to make legislation that supports their views. In general, the conservative Republicans are more likely to support such legislation. In addition, the Supreme Court justices, who serve life terms, have had a conservative majority for quite some time now. That's why the Republicans refusing to even hold hearings on Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, for 11 months was an especially egregious assault on America's democracy. I found it utterly un-American and loathsome and unforgivable. OK, I'm done with that little rant. In fact, I had better quit entirely before I get really wound up. Sigh...

We agree on much. Let us work together the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our culture. Stay in touch.

Jody, I don't march anymore but I do attend demonstrations where I can stand for a half hour or so. I participated in the Women's March on January 22nd and was very proud to have done so. I was so shocked and appalled that DT was elected that I actually cried that night--the first I've ever cried over a Presidential election. Since then I have become a card carrying member of the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), American Humanist Association (AHA), League of Women Voters, PBS, NPR, DCCC, and most recently, helping Puerto Rico since our POTUS doesn't seem to get it, and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN)--the winners of this year's Nobel Peace Prize I truly can't afford much but I figure every little bit counts. I do what I can including as a board member of our local AHA atheist chapter where we regularly do community service to help the homeless and those in need. At least I can say I walk the talk which I often is not the case with Christians. They pray where I roll up my sleeves and DO something. So you keep marching and I'll keep helping any way I can. I have to believe we are both making a difference and I love it!


I love your story about the DC Women's March. What a wonderful experience that must have been. I would have loved being there.

I fear the next election will not get us much closer. I just tonight attended a League of Women Voters talk about gerrymandering and the outlook isn't good. That's because the district lines are redrawn every 10 years after the census has been completed. How those lines are drawn depends on the state and how they structure the process. In many states, including mine, the political party in power has control over the process and we have seen the results of that. The Republicans have control until at least 2024 by one estimate I read. We need lots of democrats to run for office and the sooner the better.

Jody...SIGH, indeed. The prospects look pretty bleak at this point in time but I will not give in our give up. I will continue to do what I can to make a difference and hope for the best.


It is a major problem that should be addressed by our government. Including State and Local; but sadly they are part of the problem because it gets them votes. My 3rd grade teacher many years ago saw it coming and had a few comments about it way back then. When Ike added the " under god" to the pledge to get the farm boys to sign up to go kill the godless yellow man. I ask her what was going on and she told me. I realized how smart she was and we had a great year. Now days we have teachers preaching and it disgusts me. I could go on and on about this having spent 30 years in public schools.



We do NOT live in a democracy, this conglomeration of nations (aka States) was founded on the idea of a Republic under a constitution which exists for the good of the people and the people are governed by their CONSENT!! Read those founding docs sometime, clear up all of the misunderstandings you have about what they say and mean, and then you will be able to make logical statements here and elsewhere on the subject.



I am too. It is amazing how they rewrite history also.

DeiP Level 5 Oct 16, 2017

Let us work together to prevent the comingling of religion and politics from poisoning our culture and society.


This seems to be especially prevalent in far-right GOP politicians.
They pander to their base of Christian voters who scream, piss, and moan whenever a group like the FFRF makes them take a cross or a Ten Commandments monument off of public land.

They also hate letting other beliefs have equal space on public land like the Satanists for example. I like the Satanists for this very reason. Christians cry oppression when someone just wants equality, and will pull their monument rather than let Satanists erect a statue of Baphomet next to theirs.
Christians don't want equality, they want it all their way.

These may seem like small things, but they tend to make the fundies more concerted in getting their beliefs into the government starting at the local level and working it's way up until we have someone like Mike Pence as our VP.
It's sickening.

Agreed. Let us work together to prevent them from forcing their comingling of politics and religion on us!

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