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One of my neighbors stopped by a few days ago and was telling me that the UFO that crashed back in the 1960`s was actually only about 30 miles from our town out on route 41 just beyond a town called Corona (I stopped short of calling them a nutcase UFO on earth get real) Well anyhow was some interesting trivia.

azzow2 9 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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60's? It is online as having occurred in 1947.

Was just going with what my neighbor had said. I did look it up just now. I live in Guadalupe County and Lincoln county starts about 1 mile east of Vaughn so some of the info could be correct.


So they’re saying a military base is nearby that does R&D?

The Roswell UFO incident is supposedly not really Roswell. Could explain a few things though. I have been in Corona they seem a little lost over there.

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