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Rosetta Probe.
Our quest to understand the origins of our universe goes on and sees scientists breaking the boundaries of space travel in order to do so.On 6th August 2014 the European Space Agency 's Rosetta spacecraft entered the orbit of Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet,hoping to map and study the comets surface and core to give us some more clues into how the solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago.

PeterJohn 6 Jan 17

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Hi Diaz,
it is good to be skeptical and to ask questions.By analizing the rock they can determine its age.but usually when they have a sample on earth that they can test by using potassium argon dating which measures the half life in billions of it takes a billion years to decay one half of a sample to change from potassium to argon.that is my understnding.

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