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I find it funny that the Roman Empire is the the reason for the Christian persecution complex, and also the reason it became anything more than a fringe religion.

P.S. I am ridiculously obsessed with the Roman Empire by the way

Maurcus 4 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Have you listened to The History of Rome Podcast by Mike Duncan? If not, check it out, it's a must for anyone with an interest in Roman history.


Constantine does not get the credit he deserves, that's for sure. Another amusing side note: the 'christians to the lions' probably didn't happen. Rome probably would have happily integrated xstianity into it's many religions, if it didn't condemn anyone who believed other than xstianity.

Constantine is known as Constantine The Great. That's more than enough credit for him as far as I am concerned.

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