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Now I know where @SukieSue gets her toes from ?

VAL3941 8 Aug 23

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1.. Susie has cute toes . I have seen the photos.
2..Why do any of you goofy fuckers care what someone else eats. Get a fucking life. ☺

What the fuck has this got to do with eating ! Toes are for sucking you idiot, and @SukiSue 's toes are ugly !

@VAL3941 Hahaha! I know what you want! SLAP

Smile. Getting a lot of milage from your pretty toes on this post ! LOL

@VAL3941 Are Suki's on the left or right?

Yes !


There is nothing normal about being a vegan.

Totally agree.

Give me bacon, give me steak, GIVE ME MEAT ,

That makes three of us. Eating meat saved our ancestors from extinction and fed our growing brains. This is a concept most vegans don't grasp.

@moonmaid, @Leafhead
Too each his own, may I add.

There is not.


Hahaha! But I already told you my toes are not ugly!

Ask a carnivore !

I've seen a picture of your toes and they are cute.


There is nothing normal about veganism. It is a mental illness.

Eh.. we're all mentally ill in some way.

Speak for yourself, I am 100% normal !

@VAL3941 That statement just proved you're a loony!

@SukiSue The worst are the people who try to convert their cats to vegan. The cats get sick, go blind, and die.

You would love me to say yes I am, wouldn't you !

Humans are omnivores, like most other Primates.
Only Gorillas and Orangutans are vegan. Chimps, our closest relative, hunts Red Colubus monkeys and other Primates on a regular basis, in addition to eating termites, fruit, leaves and nuts.
Human brain food is mainly seafood and fish. Cooking is another brain booster

@Alvinsmama cats especially!

@phxbillcee Cats need 80% protein, mainly meat. Otherwise, they will get sick and die.

@GuyKeith Can I feed my cat peanut butter?

@ugly Why would you want to?

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