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I go back and forth between not believing in a God and wishful thinking that there is. Maybe not so much a God as much as hoping to see people again after we die. The whole thought that it's lights out when you die and there's nothing no existence whatsoever is depressing and makes this life seem meaningless but the spending an eternity in a heaven or hell based on how you lived your life sounds like a crock of shit. Maybe there's something in the middle? For now I just believe that nobody really knows for sure and perhaps not meant to know that whatever happens is beyond our human understanding but that makes life and death a mystery and I hate mysteries or surprises.
At this point I'm afraid to die and its causing some mental anguish. I dunno I just don't get it.. Wtf is the point of this existence? Anybody care to share some advice or how it is for you? Starting to feel very alone out here.

searchisendless 3 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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You are hardly alone. Many of us who have left the faith of their childhood have expressed similar sentiments. The author, Julian Barnes, is noted for having said, "I don't believe in God, but I miss him." I kind of felt the same way as a kid about Santa Claus.

"...spending an eternity in a heaven or hell based on how you lived your life sounds like a crock of shit."

What's an even greater crock of shit is that the Christian tradition allows for one who's lived their entire life as a criminal, rapist and murderer a free pass into heaven, so long as they confess, prior to death.

It is quite natural to fear death, and as we near it, to 'rage against the dying of the light.' But when one considers the state of one's consciousness, prior to birth, death is very much the same thing.

"Wtf is the point of existence."

Quite honestly, when one gives up on the concept of heaven or an afterlife, one is free to make the most out of this life, and make good decisions for those who come after. I have come to the point of view that it is the very belief in a paradise or the hereafter that diminishes the importance and meaning of this life. After all, when a person views this life as a waiting room for what's to come next, how vested are they really in this world? The point to our lives is what we make of it, not what others dictate.


Hmmm for me there is no actual meaning to life other than the meaning we give it. To create, to learn and to experience! The physical body certainly dies. . . However what's going on when we dream? We are born into a system which more or less dictates and regulates what we do, what we think, how we should be. . . And hardly anybody questions 'that' system and simply goes along with it without considering why they do so. ? The term
"god" can be quite immotive and provoking of both negative and positive thoughts and feelings. Is government god? What about money? Or electro-magnetism? Perhaps it's what some call spirit or the soul. . . Perhaps it's all of those and depends on where the inquisitors perspective lies. . . Natural realm, man made realm, the realm of spirit or all of them. . . Only you can decide ?

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