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I started talking to this guy a little bit ago from this site. He’s a very bad liar but I just wanted to put a heads up yo anyone in case he tries to talk to you. Be careful

Annitonn 7 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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If I ever am approached by a man who I suspect at all of "fakery," I give him one chance to explain, then block him.
If he seems creepy, I block him without a first chance.

@Annitonn I no longer mess around with people..I avoid religious people and if people are trying to impinge on me on public transport, I usually push back.


I see height in cm on us dls all the time! Lol also the expiration is written like British English.

Seems legit...

@Annitonn good catch on the height conversion! I don't think I know anyone adult under 5'. Why would you show your dl online anyway?

@Annitonn if you're looking for some lulz, send me a message. I'm 260 cm, and weigh 10 kg...

@Annitonn lol. With the weight gain plan I just started, I should be up to 23 lbs in no time! Btw what do you have against ropes? Lol

@Annitonn ropes make a heavy cocaine user look fat. Lol


Great heads up to the rest of everyone here!


He hit on me last week

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