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MIT Appoints Humanist Chaplain, the First at a Tech-Focused School


ldheinz 7 Aug 25

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That's a step in the right direction. But it is not enough. A "humanist", by definition, is someone who thinks we HUMANS are kind of the "non plus ultra". And we are not! Maybe what we need is "animalist-vegetableist" chaplains, people who understand that we (animals, trees, etc) are all the same, and none is superior to others.

When a dog gives the sermon I'll agree with you.

@ldheinz Giving the "sermon" is proof of inferiority. Dogs are so smart that they don't preach, don't give sermons and never try to make converts. [Oh, I forgot! They don't believe in santa claus nor in invisible gods.]


Best of all...NO chaplain.
No evil religion.

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