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mcgeo52 8 Aug 25

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Freaking Bee-a-u-ti-ful!


Script writers could not make this shit up, it just keeps getting better and better.

It's just getting started.

Although, I don't know that we will ever top "Pecker" for humor.


It’s sad, and sick, but I’ve met a number of ‘guys’ (always guys) who ‘voted for trump just to watch what happened,’ ‘for entertainment.’ And though I don’t consider his kind of lasting damage ‘entertaining’’s getting very interesting.

Varn Level 8 Aug 25, 2018

Fake News.......unfortunately!

Don't be so sure about that. David Pecker has a safe full of dirt on Trump.

@mcgeo52 It just seems nothing seems to stick....he’s like Teflon!

@Marionville, let me know if you feel the same at the end of September.

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