I went to my niece's birthday party tonight. We had a wonderful family dinner and my niece got to open her presents. A few of her friends came over later for playtime and cake. After this, things got very frustrating. One mother was explaining that she homeschools. I was cool with that until she said she didn't have to be licensed/certified because she goes through a christian private school and is somehow considered a remote branch and that makes it ok. Then my dad starts talking about bringing god back into the classroom but that really wouldn't do any good because of all the heathens sending their heathen kids in. I had to say something at this point but my brother quickly changed the subject before it got heated. I know I was the only one there that doesn't believe in god but how much of that nonsense do I have to listen to before i get to say something? Thoughts?
Do a face-plant into a large hunk of birthday cake and hope for a diabetic coma. You can't teach them anything and it doesn't help to make them mad.
Damn, I can envision it.. When surrounded, I secretly plan my escape. In your case, it would be what advice to give to whom and when … including your niece. Remain an example of someone above, then, few words count, cuz everyone’s listening. Though surrounded, you’re ahead, so stay there.
I avoid religious people, and if I can't avoid them, I just look bored and murmur, "Um-hum..that's nice," when they say religious nonsense, then find an excuse to move away. I DON'T engage with them.