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I decided to go to Maine and take a windjammer cruise in October. I'm pretty sick with my cancer treatment right now but hope to get a little better by then. I'm looking for someone to go with me. Just in case I get sick during my trip. Of course, if you are interested you will have to pay your own way. Let me know.

confidentrealm 7 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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hope this works out in the best way


Bring long johns.


Do you have a good friend or cousin to go with you? People in cancer treatment often need special help and consideration that usually only a devoted person is will to give.

I wanted a friend to go with me but he decided to go to Europe with someone else for his vacation. I'm sorely disappointed and we currently are not on good terms. I also asked my daughter but she has to work. It's sometimes frustrating being single and alone. I asked another person today but he is not in a position to travel. It is my bucket list, so I'm probably going to do this alone. I need to find myself anyways. This treatment is kicking my butt. I can't even think straight lately.

@confidentrealm I am in treatment for intestinal cancer, using cannabis oil. It's difficult to get here, so I have only been using micro-amounts, but I'm still improving, albeit gradually. I regularly visit the Songkhla hospital for ascites drains, although I need them less these days.

Although I am physically strong I have to make sure I'm near a bathroom at all times, and found I must eat certain foods at certain times if I want to improve. I can't imagine my own daughter, or any known relative, being able to deal patiently with me if I were to travel with her. When she visited me in Thailand in 2016, before I was aware of having cancer, she was a handful, and exhausting.

@birdingnut I understand. I haven't tried cannabis oil. I should. It won't hurt. I have stage three breast / lymph cancer. I'm taking hormone blockers, trying to shrink the tumors prior to inevitable surgery. My doctor said if this doesn't work, I will need chemo, which is my last choice. So I have lots of crazy side effects. I'm also on a strict diet. I can totally understand why nobody wants to accompany me but I have to go. I have a couple things on the bucket list I need to do, plus I need goals to live for.

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