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I've noticed in sortign through my email that the SPAM virtualy stops on Sundays. It makes me speculate on the religous affiliation of spammers. I would not be surprised if all those spams about erectile dysfunction and products "guaranteed "to make your penis bigger, or the ones about "chat live with hot girls" all came form persons who attended church every Sunday. Or is the spam scams weren't what televangelists did on their off days.

snytiger6 9 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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You can stop the email spam this way:

Click on Options, upper right corner of mail page.
Then Mail Options.
Click on Spam from the list on the left.
In the Add a blocked address box, enter the domain. The domain is the part of the email address after address AFTER the @. Leave out the @ symbol).
Click the Add button.


Banks are closed sundays, as are most businesses. Less people sitting on their ass at work trying to make on the side.

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