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Soliciting after-the-fact advice on how I should have handled a social dilemma.

Recently went to a reserved-seating event and ended up without a companion at the last minute, so I had an empty seat (which I had paid for) between me and the lady at the end of the row. After the show was underway, a woman -- apparently a friend to the lady on the end -- plopped down in the empty seat.

That didn't really bother me, since I didn't need an empty seat. However, the woman's perfume was so overpowering that I felt less than comfortable for the rest of the evening. I didn't want to be rude and tell her to move, but I also didn't want to inhale her artificial scent for the next 90 minutes. What to do?
I just suffered in silence. The show was enjoyable, but I would have been a lot more comfortable with an empty seat. Anybody got advice on how to gracefully handle the situation without coming across as a selfish cranky old man?

RedRiverRogue 5 Aug 27

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I would have said, "I'm sorry, but I've paid for and reserved this seat. Please find another one." If she tried to argue I'd just say I was allergic to her perfume, so please leave.

But most men are very passive with women, so I'm not surprised you suffered in silence.


Offer the perfumed lady to swap seats with her as the one towards the center was a better seat . Then perhaps go to the lady on the other side of her and offer to swap seats with her as well as a more centralized seat was better for her as well ?


I think that is a tough one. I have allergies and that would have really bothered me. No advice but definitely sympathy.

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