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Today has been a weird ole day. I have had scammer/whack noodle heathen who I think is the head of a cult sent me messages of his love, and another who is is twatsore and glad we didn't consummate some imaginary love connection that existed only in his head, because I would have been a horrible person to be with. I think there's something in the water...

onlyduh 7 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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weird usually comes in 3s check out your window the neighbour may just be filming you for his you tube channel 😛

@onlyduh sigh always the bridesmaid 😟


Try wine. Or weed if you'd rather not have the calories.


You should probably find Captain Stubing and let him know you need off at the next port.


Oh, wow.... not a good day then. Must be the heat!


Aaargh, love is in the air !!!


Boy you can draw a picture with words. Lol.

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