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Quantum physics

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Aug 29

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Have you ever noticed that flat earthers and fake moon landing believers ( oxymoronic?)
never provide proof of alternative theories , but rely on muddying the waters , because they don't really understand the science.


Since our minds are not capable of grasping the uni-verse, perhaps we should study the microcosm to learn more about the macrocosm.

Pook Level 5 Aug 29, 2018

Unless the microcosm is more complex.

@CharlieBrown The microcosm may be more studied but that doesn't negate the macrocosm as similarly complex. As above, so below. They mirror each other. They reflect each other though as lake reflections, may be cloudy or blurred.

@Pook Lovely poetry , Pook , but you are really saying nothing.

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