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Is organic really organic?
I often wonder, is this bag of frozen organic broccoli from China truly organic?
Then I place it back and think to myself, probably Not! Just wait until Fall and grow it yourself.

Co-creative 4 Aug 30

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Hello my name is Michelle.
I work as a Verification Officer (VO) in Canada. My job is to visit organic farms, wineries and food production facilities. During a visit I document all paperwork and tour the farm/ facility itself in accordance to the Canadian Organic Standards. I myself then pass on any information that I have gleaned from the visit to a Certification Body, who then makes any decisions regarding certification.
Although I cannot share any info regarding organic standards in China, in Canada it is a very rigorous process in order that a farm/ manufacturer’s product may bare the Canadian organic logo.

Level 1 Apr 1, 2020

Of course more times than not it's just marketing scheme ?????.....besides, you said the key words yourself "from China"


Organic farming is popular in China. I go there often, and both intensive and environmentally friendly farming are common. If it is certified organic the farming process and provenance should be traceable. If it is not certified- who knows. Why not investigate? It should be interesting.

Livia Level 6 Sep 3, 2018

From my understanding organic food can and does have chemicals on it at lower levels.


The carbon footprint alone would make me pass up on fresh food from China.
Buy local...and grow your own.


If it’s labeled ‘certified organic’ and grown in the USA ...and it’s not organic, someone might lose their farm.. China, I’d put it back..

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

I am sure l will be hungry before Fall.

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