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To all who vote

steve148 7 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I think might be out of order commenting on a foreign president when I am in the UK and our lot are worse than yours seemingly and couldn't organise a p*ss up in a brewery, but I was angry about his silence


Mine ended when he mocked the reporter with the debilitating disease. Following that, when the "grab'em by the pussy" remark came out, l was stunned he survived as a candidate.


Blue wave coast to coast

Hope so... but I have been disappointed so many times when the democrats have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

@snytiger6 Yes, I know. I really think that the Dems have been way too timid about attacking tRUMP. What are they worried about because his hardliners will never change but there is a huge middle of the roadies who need informed .

@starwatcher-al They re probably thinking if they soft peddle they won't get all the Tea Party nutters fired up to vote. So, they hold back criticism.

What coudl democrats say that is not already covered in the media anyway?

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