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One thing about growing up in the 70's was that I recognized most of the songs in the 80's, and 90's were actually covers, and most people didn't know.
This vid shows a few, but the list is even much bigger.
I'll try and find more.

TristanNuvo 8 Aug 31

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Some of the covers are better (except for Dylan -- well, that's Dylan). Okay, some of the originals are also better.

I agree.
I don'mind a cover if the artist changes it up and make it their own so to speak.
Buy some do them exactly like the original. I don't see the point in that.


I found another one. Some of the same songs are in the first vid, but this one has more.

Another one that wasn't in either vid was Paul Young, singing 'every time you go'
Was a song from Hall and Oats.

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