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Stop reading now, if you don't want to hear a 46-year-old woman whine! ๐Ÿ™‚ 2018 has been a tough health year, and now it might get even tougher. I have been feeling ill since October of 2017, and in February I was diagnosed with Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis, so uncomplicated, no bigging, right, wrong, I have been in almost constant pain since October, always sick, I have lost almost 70 lbs, because I cannot eat without pain, I feel like my teenage anorexia is taking hold again. My doctor then diagnosed me with IBS, Ulcers, and acid overproduction. Now I have had another 2 recurrences of the Diverticulitis that is becoming resistant to the antibiotics. I have been out of work since the beginning of August, and I can't seem to get the doctor to return the FMLA paperwork needed to keep my job and get paid. On top of my own issues, my mom, who lives with me got an unexplained wound on her middle toe, cannot walk, is in constant pain, and nobody seems to know how it happened and what to do about it other than cutting her toe off. I feel so overwhelmed, afraid, and angry. Ok, I am done now, I can't say it made me feel better, but.....

Tamresa 5 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry you're going through a rough time. I know it's hard enough when you've got your own issues and then in addition you're dealing with someone else's as well. I'm currently in a situation like that, and some days it's all I can do to keep myself together.


Do you think your mum may have undiagnosed age-related diabetes. That often results in wounds that appear and donโ€™t heal on feet.
I would recommend an anti-inflammatory diet. Research shows that auto-immune diseases, diabetes and any inflammatory symptoms are managed well long term by dietary changes. The biggest aggravating things are sugar and artificial sweeteners and best are herbs and other veg. I will share the arthritis anti-inflammatory diet with you. []
Another thing to consider is anti-biotic use can make you feel very run down and can kill off the good bacteria in your gut, causing more inflammation. Consider a good pro-biotic long term for your digestive health- it wonโ€™t harm anyway.

Livia Level 6 Aug 31, 2018

A neighbor was looking skeletal , and I learned she found it very painful to swallow . Eventually , her doctor realized that the drugs they had been giving her for other problems , had eaten through her esophagus . Very little of what she ate was actually falling through to her stomach . They did surgery to reconnect her .


Sorry about all that.

I looked online and found numerous articles naming CBD oil and cannabis as treatments for diverticulitis.

Example: "Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol accelerated the recovery from cytokine-induced increased permeability; an effect sensitive to CB1 receptor antagonism.

These findings suggest that locally produced endocannabinoids, acting via CB1 receptors play a role in mediating changes in permeability with inflammation, and that phytocannabinoids have therapeutic potential for reversing the disordered intestinal permeability associated with inflammation."


Also CBD oil and cannabis treat diabetes, which might be what's wrong with your mom.

Link: CBD compound in cannabis treats diabetes, researchers find [] via @Diabetescouk


Sorry about your current health conditions. Diverticulitis is not fun. I know one who also suffers from that disorder. Hope you find an effective treatment.

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