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Please explain?


FrayedBear 9 Sep 3

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Basically, people who are stupid enough to follow a religion, think other people stupid enough to follow a different religion are stupid and wrong and that giving them a good short sharp shock like killing them will teach them not to be wrong anymore.
Governments who feel that this gives the morons a right to religious freedom and legislate in favour of that ideal tend to find religious cretins use that freedom to kill even more of each other.

Maybe religious intolerance is evolution's way of purifying the gene pool of bloody fools, if enough of them kill one another one day there will be atheists left to breed with one another?


I am not sure how Pew defines "social hostilities involving religion?" Is this society supporting religious activities or against? I cannot find the Pew study mentioned in the article.

The fine print at the bottom says "Social Hostilities Index is a 10-point scale based on 13 measures of social hostilities involving religion." and there is a "Get the data" link there (although when I follow that link I just get a csv file that is behind the chart they're presenting, not any of the underlying data points). I presume it is intended as a rough measure of how much that society is friendly to and supporting of religion.

Googling further I found this:


"The Social Hostilities Index measures acts of religious hostility by private individuals, organizations or groups in society. This includes religion-related armed conflict or terrorism, mob or sectarian violence, harassment over attire for religious reasons or other religion-related intimidation or abuse. The SHI includes 13 measures of social hostilities."

@mordant Well that clears up nothing. It appears that the "hostilities" can be by or against the religious, but mostly against. I am assuming that the against religion is the use that Pew is intending here, though I would include hostilities of one religious group by another. However, most of the hostility against Muslims and Jews that I have encountered has been by fundamentalist and evangelical Christians. This is something I never understood because they believe in the same god - the god of Abraham, Joseph, and Isaac. The Christian just add one more god and the Muslims one more religious fanatic.


All the more reason to have no religion., a pox on all of them I say. Not one person can prove any of the religions they swear by as true really exist and yet they are prepared to kill if necessary for that fiction. Muslims kill to protect the honour of their prophet and discriminate against Christians and others. Christians call Muslims barbaric murderers and terrorists and Hindus and Buddhists practice genocide against minorities. This world would be much better if we could stop focussing on our differences and acknowledge that we are all the same under the skin. Religion only complicates this even further.


It seems we're becoming less tolerant as the population increases; normal animal behaviour really. The most aggressive tend to rise to the top too, so that's something fun to look forwards to.


I believe they are describing actions that either involve one religion display violence against another or at least displaying violence to others who have different religious morals, or customs. That's my take anyway.

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