A dick is a dick, no matter what faction they represent. This guy was wrong in so many ways. [msn.com]
My wife has a shirttail relation who is a street preacher. 2nd or 3rd cousin or something like that. He was invited to speak at her grandmother's funeral some years back and turned it into a preach-fest as well. A funeral is supposed to be an euology to / for the deceased, not a place to browbeat people with their personal failings, real or imagined. That is so basic and obvious, it amazes me that these people can only respond like this guy, "I'm sorry you feel that way". The Christian version of "tough shit, I'm on a mission and I'm going to deliver my payload. Deal with it."
ALL Christians are potentially misogynistic because that's what the Bible teaches..women were property, second class, servants to men. Even in the New Testament women were told to stay at home, have children, be silent, and obey their husbands.
At Aretha Franklin's funeral, this preacher spoke for 50 minutes, pushing his negative agenda.
His bashing of single, black mothers was hurtful and offensive. I hope this hurts his career.