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Clock changes: EU backs ending daylight saving time

Maybe we'll follow suit here.

itsmedammit 8 Sep 4

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Without a doubt it should be ended. It serves no purpose since modernization. All it results in is having millions suffer sleep problems twice a year. Imagine if we did something like China. A very large country with one time zone only. Sunrises and sunsets very in time.

It has always been an annoyance at best for me.


well if you like driving to work in dark and home in the dark kids walking to school in the dark crossing streets and such

You are either going in the dark, or coming in the dark.

@itsmedammit what about the young kids it will just be getting light around 8 they have to walk or catch a bus why do you think they started it in the first place. To save electricty

@benhmiller They have to walk or catch a bus on the way home, too. Depending on how you set the clock, they will be in the dark then or in the morning, at least around here. I do not like when it is dark at 3pm.

Recent studies have shown that the savings aren't really there. Makes sense in our area, since we are, as someone else pointed out, a 24/7 society.

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