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Sindhi Judge
Taking his seat in his chambers, the smart, HONEST Sindhi Judge faced the opposing lawyers.
"So, the Judge said, I have been presented, by both of you, with a bribe."
Both lawyers became uncomfortable.
" You, attorney Mohanty, gave me Rs. 5,00,000, and you, attorney Venkat, gave me Rs. 6,00,000."
The judge now reached into his pocket and pulled out Rs. 1,00,000. He handed it to attorney Venkat and said...
"Now that I'm returning Rs. 1,00,000, we're going to decide this case solely on its merits...!!!"

Slava3 7 Sep 6

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Great judgment, I like that judge....sense of humour , sense of honour and sense of justice!


An honest judge ! Made the news headline .

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