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LMAO When I saw of this report of an Israeli company making bullet proof backpacks for American children at school.
Isn't it time that you woke up to the fact known by most of the world - no guns, no shootings.


FrayedBear 9 Sep 6

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Careful ranking on the gun psychos they'll shoot you


Wonder how many other countries have lobbies guiding their politicians and offering up friendly assistance in drafting laws.


What parent can afford a $700 dollar backpack?


Says it all, a country that has been in a state of perpetual war since its creation has found a market else where in to world for products designed to protect civilians from the rigors and accidents of war in a country that needs protection from it's own citizens.

That was awesome thank you!

@LenHazell53, @Kojaksmom: I'm unclear Len as to which country you refer to? I generalise that your spell check has simply singularised your plural "countries".

@FrayedBear Same two countries you mentioned in the OP

@LenHazell53 the spell check demon struck again. ???????


Is your lunchbox protected in its bullet proof bag.

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