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I had to fire someone today - if you can call it that. This person was a volunteer that did a poor job. I decided to replace her with a paid individual that was going to do better work. While she was volunteering, I compensated her at a 15 dollar per hour rate in her two boys' tuition at my martial arts school. I spoke to her a month ago about my parents to have her stop and even told her that I would continue the discount even though she wasn't working anymore (single mom).

Reasons for terminating her: she had a 50-60% show ratio. She missed a lot. When she did show, she was often not dressed as required (school t-shirt and black slacks). She often would tell students at the school about how she planned on working more and getting paid. This put me in a bad situation of being asked when that was going to happen by instructors that wanted more hours. I had to remove a student a year ago for - I'm being literal here - stalking me. I had papers drawn up and the whole bit. This former volunteer would still regularly hang out with her. It's had for that not to weigh on me heavy since this person invaded my privacy in pretty horrifying ways. While I try not to be a jerk about it, it is hard to put out of my mind that this lady is a bible thumper. I keep my lack of faith to myself at work.

Those things put together, I felt justified asking her to leave a month ago. She denied there being a problem and tried to talk me out of it (who does that?). I was firm about her being done by September. She blew off coming last week. I was more than done.

Last night, she came in and the new person was working the front desk. She made a bit of a scene and left. I don't regret that she is gone, I realize that I probably shouldn't have had her work for me in the first place, and none of those things are what I'm thinking about as intensely at the moment.

I'm thinking about why some people can only leave angry. I'm also curious if anyone else has insight on hiring/ firing?

Sorry about this rambling post... I'm a little bummed.

HonkyBMcfunky 6 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, the fact that she showed up for 50-60% of her shifts is more than enough grounds for termination. Volunteer or not. This was clearly not a high enough priority in her life and you should have replaced her with someone who was willing to take on the responsibility long before all that other bullshit went down.

You are right.


I'm not sure if this is any benefit but I can sympathize with you I have owned my own business for half of my lifetime and employees are always the most difficult part of owning a business and having to fire them is always horrendous I've never been stalked but I've had some pretty crazy people where they didn't work out the first day and I had to let them go and then they wanted to sue me for unlawful firing there's just some really weird people out there and it really pays to really look into a person's background before you hire them even if it's a volunteer

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