So my "boyfriend" had a small stroke a couple weeks back and it was a wakeup call for him. He said he would quit his smoking, he has the patches, but still smokes sometimes, grrr. He also is trying to quit his 3 day weekend binge drinking sessions, some times he's good, sometimes not. We get into verbal fights when he's drunk and he tells me I should leave. I have packed and unpacked too many times. I have given him an ultimatum, quit the smoking by the beginning of October or I'm gone, so sick of his shit !!
sounds a plan ild add the rider that even if he stops the leaving will happen on the 1st relapse or if he tries to surrepstitiously hide it from you addicts are pretty good at hiding stuff tho alcohol is easier than cigs remind him your meant to be partners not carer and invalid which is where he could be heading
For some reason your story reminds me of my childhood next-door-neighbor. The young woman was to get married but the night before the wedding the guy wrecked his bike. He had some brain damage but a month later they got married and she became his nurse. That lasted a few months and she dumped him. Sadly, she would have been better off dumping him earlier. - - - I know many who are happier alone then with an adult child to take care of.
Story too involved to tell but the little stroke is probably just a warning. My friend ignored that first one and the second was bad. We are still friends but no romance. Damn old fool is still smoking and has had prostate cancer as well. They say we all have a death wish. He is 7 years younger than me.
Sounds reasonable to me! But don't back down, or it becomes kind of ineffective as a threat. Make sure you have a plan and stick to it.
I won't I'm so sick of his lies !
Be firm,say you quit,or I'm outta here,so his addictions or you? Do not give to his tears,begging"Just one more time". Life is too short for this drama.
I am this time, no if's and's or butt's !!