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So I’ve been trying to understand this for a long time.. so. There’s only two genders. Why? Well because a male and a female have sex and they make you and I. The father has the sperm and mother the egg. No one knows where we came from so we come up with ideas. So “god” is the first thing that comes to mind at least when the first civilians and civilizations were made. But why do people turn to something that they cannot see, hear, feel or touch? Why do they believe that a spirit created everything we see? Where the logic in that?

Jackw_37 4 Sep 7

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There are a number of syndromes where the genes do not line up with either XX or Xy. I taught this for decades at the university level and it appears to me that you don't understand what I'm saying, or what the biological research indicates. You're clearly not open to the possibility that at least some of your understanding is wrong. So this won't be on the quiz.


What is most stunning is that in today;s science we know factually about sex or gender and it is indeed a large grey area. Those that believe genital identification are nothing but Trump mentality. I mean, do not read, do not think and do not want to learn, Then they shoot their mouth off about bathrooms. How much more can a society tolerate of this ignorance without getting hurt.
Vote November 6

EMC2 Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

there are more than two genders. even the binary view of physical sex is completely wrong biologically.

as to "why did they come up with gods", there are a lot of reasons, the first likely being:

Seeking agency. the developing intellect which assumes agency in events around it survives better. example: bushes rustle. one assumes it's nothing, and does nothing, the other assumes it's something and becomes cautious. IF it's nothing, both survive, IF it's something and it is dangerous, one survives more often than the other. we are therefore evolved to see agency in things. when we cannot find the source of agency, we imagine one.

So you’re comparing; why there are religions, survival of the fittest? Ok.. I mean I guess.. lol Well in that case of the binary, how many genders are there?

I don't know, I have not studied the brain chemistry and development in enough depth to start considering "how many genders are there". mostly because it simply doesn't matter. there are as many as there are, and they have as much impact on my life as a fart in the space station does.

and yes, seeking agency is about survival of the fittest, although I really kind of hate that term, because most people don't have a clue what it actually means.

"natural selection" favors those who seek agency over those who do not.


you are confusing gender with sex. regarding sex, there are animals (and fish) that do not require two sexes to reproduce. meanwhile, there are various iterations of gender, and we have cultural baggage regarding what each gender means anyway. (who says pink is feminine and blue is masculine, anyway? and do they say it everywhere?) as for our not knowing where we come from, actually we have a pretty good idea where we come from. however, not everyone is equally educated about that, and even some who are remain in denial, and back in the days when we did NOT have a pretty good idea, magic was the only apparent solution, since nothing visible seemed to fit the bill. why do we STILL do that? human nature and stubbornness, and a large dose of not-very-brightness.



I’m not going to worry about the biology at the moment, although there is certainly room for discussion there. But I will comment on what I think you’re really asking — namely why our ancestors (and maybe others who didn’t lead to us) came up with the idea of a god. My guess is that humans like to think we are something “special” — we are “different” and “above” the other living things out there, so there must be a reason for our being. Even people who are starting to accept the basics of evolution still seem to think humans are at the pinnacle, when a simple study of anatomy would demonstrate we are a far cry from being made “perfectly”. But I think that need to be better than others is where much of the idea of a god has come from. Since they couldn’t explain it in any other sense, they went for the supernatural.

Many, if not most of us here have likely experienced things we simply can’t explain. Some of those things might just be “feeling the spirit”, but there are other things that seem to happen when there is no way we can come up with as to “how”. I can’t think of my own experiences at the moment (I swear I have something), but one of my dad’s is coming to mind (mind you, he’s now basically agnostic, as well). As a kid, he dropped a wheel of the tractor into a ditch and was thrown in front of one of the huge spinning wheels. He was holding on, having the thing chew up his chest as he tried to prevent being sucked under, when the machine turned off. When he got back up there, he found the key was actually turned off in the ignition. We’ve tried to come up with a natural explanation, but we haven’t found anything satisfying. I suspect our ancestors had their own “miracles”. I also suspect we could explain many of them today, but even today, most people prefer the supernantural explanations. Without knowing modern science — or even the laws of probability — ancient people may have been more likely to give supernatural explanations to things.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

Native Americanns, along with many other cultures, recognize 4-5 genders.....wake up to Now!

Lol but gender is biological. A male and a female.

@Jackw_37 Not true any further. There is a huge grey area between male and female. The genitals give a clue but are not the final word. People are caught up with an XY having male genitals however the brain got the hormonal influx of a female. It is not cut and dry at all. Not at all.

@EMC2 thank you! Does this poster seem at all homophobic to you, or am I just overly sensitive?

@EMC2 lol yes it is because guess what. They have more prominent appearance of male or female. Am I wrong? Lol

@AnneWimsey what??

@Jackw_37 you are wrong. just wrong. there are more than two stages on the biological sex graph.
biological "sex" is not binary. it simply isn't, and insisting that it is just makes you ignorant of facts.


the binary is created by the fact that MOST people are biologically one way or the other, but that is the fallacy of normality. the fact that ANY exist who are not in the binary proves it is not truly binary.

it would be like saying there are only two colors of balls in a group of 7 billion balls, because 6.9 billion of them are either blue or red and only .1 billion are another color. it's just wrong.

@HereticSin lol


Actually, there aren't only two of anything. If at all stages of gestation everything lines up, you have XX females and Xy males. However, often everything doesn't line up. There are XXy, Xyy.... and more-- some of which live past birth, others that don't.
Gender is different than sex. In mainstream American culture we have often assumed there are two genders. However, Native American nations often disbelieved this. The Navajo identified five genders. Which is actually interesting because biologist Anne Fausto-Sterling, a current biologist, also believes there are five.
In many cultures birth is associated with something holy because it is pretty amazing to witness birth or to think about the fact that there were once two cells and then there's another person. When we don't understand something it's easy (and somewhat lazy) to invoke something in visible as the reason.

Gender and sex is interchangeable. It always has been. There’s only two genders. If you try to put a number on it, how many genders are there? Because it all comes down to today’s society. We have to acknowledge someone as say a “bobcat” we would have to make all legal ramnifications.

And it’s important to know what we’re taught. So we are taught about us humans have 10 fingers and toes, by there are anomalies. But we are taught this for a reason.

@Jackw_37 Not in the fields of biology or psychology. Sex is the biological, gender is the construction of how cultural and social roles are enacted.

@ladyprof70 But they are interchangeable. Are they not? Gender can sex. Sex can be gender. You see it all the time in forms. A gender role is the same thing a “sex role”.

@Jackw_37 Not usually considered to be true. Gender is things like masculinity and femininity. These roles are enacted by either or both sexes. There are men who identify with a more feminine role and there are women who choose to behave in a more masculine fashion (using both those terms as the stereotypes in a particular culture dictate), The roles can (and do) vary quite frequently across cultures. In Africa, for example in some tribal groups men do all the gardening and women do all the basket making while 50 miles down the road women are the gardeners and men make the baskets. So they aren't the same thing. They can be aligned -- a man may choose to enact a stereotypical male gender role, but another man may not.

@ladyprof70 I’m talking about America. I understand there others cultures that say there’s other genders that’s great. There’s also countries for example in Canada. Where if you mis gender someone. You get fined and go to jail. So on the premise I’m not convinced because there’s only two genders. And you can’t tell how many there are. So biology there are two genders/sex’s.

@Jackw_37 they are not interchangeable. and you are still wrong about the biology anyway.

what you are doing here is literally denying that transgender people exist, and since I can tell you they absolutely do exist, that it is observably real that they exist, then you can only be wrong.

@HereticSin but they are? I’m not denying they exist? Did I ever say that? I don’t think so. You said that. Not me. I’m sayig there are only two genders. How am I wrong about the biology about a male and female??? one has a penis, one has a vagina? One has more muscle than the other in evolution, one has breasts for baby’s. They are simply made for reproduction. Sex is made to carry on the generation of species. So you are wrong. I’m sorry to tell you.

@HereticSin Also. If I ask you what sex you are. You’ll say male or female. Because we are taught that there are only two. Your gender is also your sex. It works interchangeably.

@HereticSin say you were transsexual/gender. And I mis gender You by using the wrong pronoun. That’s a mistake because you’ll have one characteristic as a femle/male than you would of the other sex/gender you’re claiming to be.

@Jackw_37 they are not interchangeable, and they are not binary.

let me ask you something, if someone is born with both a rudimentary penis and a vagina, and their genetic type is XXY, are they male or female?

what you are saying is "we only visually see two sets of genitalia, ergo there are only two biological sexes", but that is a fallacy. some people have both, some people have one but undeveloped gonadal tissue, etc.

you can go on about things found in 80 year old biology textbooks all you want, but if you think that what they thought 80 years ago must be true, then you don't know how science works.

@HereticSin that’s intersex. Which is 1-1,500 that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is; Gender is not a social construct. Our society doesn't understand how being louder doesn't make you more right. Sex and gender are one and the same. Biology has never found a difference in them. Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. I am really amazed how people don't get it.

@HereticSin really? So you’re telling me. You were not made from a male and female? Because correct me if I’m wrong, having E.I. A penis inside a vagina and the male ejaculates, the sperm fertilizes the egg, that’s what make either /gender. So is that not what science tells us???

@HereticSin they’ll have more characteristics of either gender so in that case feMale. Because XX.

@HereticSin also. It is binary because you can’t tell me how many genders there are.

@HereticSin xx=female and XY=male lol my fault. But they will have the biological make up of a female

@HereticSin If I think I'm a tree and demand others treat me as a tree. That does not make me a tree. Everyone would assume correctly that I would have a mental disorder. Now onto gender lets say a girl grows up she hates girly things and she hates her body that does not automatically make her a boy. Shes just a girl with mental issues. Instead of getting the underlining issues fixed they decide they are now a boy. That doesn't fix anything because they are still pretending to be something they are not. Refer to me being a tree. There is no argument, really. The dictionary answers the question, it's not an opinion. It's quite simple - , as in biological , is one definition of gender. So yes, they can mean the same thing.

@Jackw_37 so now transgenderism is a mental disorder? the psychological and psychiatric community disagrees with you, I'll go with the people who actually study it over a guy who says "cause I saw me a penis, that proves everything".

you keep referring to biology, do you not believe that genetics, brain chemistry, and brain development are biology? is that your suggestion? that biology stops at the physical characteristics visible to your eyes?

as to your "XX therefore female", look up swyer syndrome.

@HereticSin lol all I’m saying is there only two genders and you can’t change my mind because you can not tell me how many genders there are. So there for I disagree with you and you are wrong. Have a good day.

@HereticSin look up the biology of female and male. You’ll be surprised ?

@Jackw_37 It's difficult to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man

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