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In your apartment while black. []
A white woman cop "mistakenly" walks in to a black man's apartment and kills him. A charge of manslaughter so far. Why couldn't she go back out of the door without shooting? Some would say murder, you can guess what I, a black man thinks. The black man is the son of a former government official and a professional. We'll see if the Fox and other scum paint him as a thug. The Texas Rangers, who I wouldn't trust behind me with a loaded gun or club, are going to "investigate". Maybe they'll ask the cop who killed a guy in his own garage how it could happened. As Lou Palmer, a former black radio personality, used to say, it's enough to make a Negro turn black. Everyone should lock their doors. It's a simple measure to reduce your being the victim of kill crazy people. I'm not referring to anyone in particular. #inequality #politics

taichifan 7 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Racist bastards!


The story that I read said she went to the wrong apartment, her key wouldn't fit, and the poor guy opened the door and that's when she shot him thinking HE was an intruder in HER apartment. I think she must have been drinking/drugging to pull such a stupid stunt. Of course they are bending over backward to make sure the least amount of legal trouble is caused to HER. To me someone like this is a danger to society. It seems like all cops are trigger happy these days and always shoot to kill no matter what the circumstances - like a cop in my locality who "accidentally" shot a suicide 3 times after he killed himself. []
Apparently there is no bottom to how stupid and violent cops can be and still keep their jobs.

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