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So, it's tax time again. Just wondering how most of you feel about welfare, food stamps and YOU paying for them? I've known many people that say they will always be on welfare until they get a job that pays better then welfare. What do you think of this attitude? Also, do you know that here in the USA you can collect welfare all year long and have as many kids as your little heart demands and at the end of the year can take a $4000.00 deduction from each kid you have? Am I the only one that gets pissed about lazy ass fucks?

davtim68 7 Jan 22

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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These anecdotal cases of blatant welfare abuse are outliers. How many needy families are you willing to let go hungry, unhoused, and unclothed to stop this handful of "lazy ass fucks" as you call them?


I'm in the UK so the details are different but I think the situation overall is probably very similar. I work, I pay taxes, some of my taxes go to fund our social security system. I don't have much of a problem with that. I have a huge problem with my government using my taxes to fund invasions of other people's countries, with my political representatives claiming hundreds of thousands of pounds in expenses (one of our MPs claimed for having the moat around his castle cleaned????)
I have an even bigger problem with all the corporation's that pay next to nothing, or sometimes absolutely nothing, in tax. That's money that could be funding our schools, national health service, the police.... That's money that's being stolen from us.
When my kids were growing up I was trying to impart certain values to them. Hard work, honesty, paying your dues... and all the time they could see how well I was doing with my values and how well those others were doing with their corruption.
Maybe a small number of people on welfare are playing the system -for a few hundred a week? It's absolutely nothing compared to the millions that are being defrauded by tax avoided and many big businessmen
Sure get pissed about 'lazy asks fucks' but be sure to work out who they really are. It's not some poor joe trying to bring up kids on welfare/benefits


would rather the money go to that compared to bombs. Ideal world no one would need welfare, let me know when you get an ideal world.


Geeze Dave... I hear you. But its the system and not the people. It's the school system focussing on sports and not the students... kids need help... culture is a rough thing. Expectations and magical thinking gets these kids in trouble. It's rough out there. Then @VictoriaNotes shows whose getting the big breaks. More then those people and families struggling. I'm glad I don't have to be one of those unfortunate people asking for help...hmmm.

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