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They called their child Star Cloud. It's all a bit extreme for my tastes.

GENDER-FLUID FAMILY Mum and dad to both swap genders in double transition after revealing they are raising their son, 5, as a ‘person’ rather than a ‘boy’
Louise and Nikki Draven, from Middlesbrough, hit headlines last year when they admitted their son Star Cloud was 'gender neutral'

The one on the left is the biological father.

Honestly? They can do whatever they want to themselves but it's bound to influence their little boy which I think is wrong. That child didn't ask to be in this world, that was their choice. He will have to cope with the fallout though. Everything seems to be about them and pushing their gender free, philosophy ..... Hakuna Matata (sorry got distracted)

It's too far removed from 'normal' - whatever normal is.

Our next door neighbour is what I would call a transvestite. We have seen him dressed as a woman a few times. He is a paramedic. I'm guessing he is a bit wary of men so doesn't really talk to me but he talks to Dawn when he sees her. I have zero issues with this guy. It's entirely his choice and I would always respect that. Indeed, I would have issues with anyone that disrespected him over it.

In fairness, whatever these two do is no business of mine and will not affect my life so good luck to them but it feels wrong when they bring a child into the world and force their slightly 'extreme'? choices on him.


Heffster 6 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Parents are generally dicks and fuck ups i doubt kids born in the 21st century will find this weird or unusual hopefully it will just be another norm


you have not said whether the child has indicated a gender preference. (IS the child gender neutral, as you say the parents claim, or are the parents simply deciding that? that is not clear.) the child eventually will discover who s/he is, if s/he hasn't yet done so. i have heard of children, even very tiny children, deciding that they were of the opposite gender from how their bodies looked and how they were treated; i've never heard of a young child who decided, AS a young child, s/he was gender neutral.

whether or not this all goes well depends on the honesty of the parents. if they want a neutral child they're going to have a challenge, because while there are gender fluid people and asexual people, most people are neither, and the odds are against their child deciding to fulfill the gender neutral expectations of the parents. so will the parents recognize that their child has a gender and recognizes it him/herself, or will they force the child to suppress gender altogether? it not only seems mean, it seems impossible. if the parents are gender neutral, fine. if they recognize that somehow their child understands gender neutrality and identifies with it, fine. if the child identifies with a gender, whichever one it is, the parents have an obligation to honor that.

as for the name, if dweezil zappa and ima hogg, to name two, can get over it, so can star cloud.



I think if the child is brought up in a loving safe environment s/he will probably determine orientation and gender soon enough. I am reminded of raising my sons and so many times gender stereotypes gave way to biology. One example. I wanted no toy guns in my house. I recall my 3 year old eating the triangular shaped sandwich and leaving the crust. He held hte crust up and said "Bang. Bang". This is just one of many examples. I am not about to argue with millions of years of evolution. Calling their kid star cloud ffs just makes me think they're just after their 15 mins at the expense of their child. There are so many normal unisex names eg Cody, Taylor etc etc. 'Star Cloud' is just a complete wank and unfair to the kid

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