I just sent an email to every member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary with two exceptions. I did not send it to Chairman Grassley because I really want to see his reaction if someone actually asks the question. I could not send it to Sen. Lindsey Graham because he has apparently gone full on chickenshit and disabled the email on his official site.
The email was:
I appreciate your work on the Committee on the Judiciary, but there is one question that someone needs to ask:
Judge Kavanaugh, in light of the irrefutable evidence that we now have that you perjured yourself at your original confirmation hearing, and have also perjured yourself in this hearing, I was going to ask you why should we elevate you to the Supreme Court instead of calling for your resignation or impeachment? But rather than ask that question, I will instead ask Chairman Grassley, will you move for a unanimous negative report out of committee? Will you suggest to Judge Kavanaugh that he resign? And if he does not, will you call on the House for Articles of Impeachment that we may vote him off the bench? You and I know that is the right thing to do. The members of the Senate and the House know that is the right thing to do. The good people of Iowa, and the rest of the American public know that is the right thing to do. The question, Chairman Grassley, is why don't we just do the right thing?
Gone are the days when the GOP does the right thing. They don't care...they just don't care.
I have the highest regard for you!!! This IS the right question!! Thank you.
I sadly am not holding my breath they will do the right thing.
In my emails to Corey Booker and Kamala Harris the last sentence was, "The question, Chairman Grassley, is do you have the integrity do the right thing?"