Thanks to the admin, I'm back with my old birdingnut account (whew) at 8.3 level..
Thanks to my failure to save passwords outside of gmail drafts, when the Thai computer shop "fixed" a corrupted file by uploading new Windows software, I have found myself locked outside almost ALL my accounts, including
Plus all my photo files, with years of photos of birds vanished. I backed up many photos in the Amazon Drive cloud, but I no longer can access password.
I had an alternate, backup email in Yahoo, but it had been so many years since I set up my account in 2005 that I'd forgotten it, along with any of the recent password changes, so couldn't access my stuff.
I tried all night to access my old gmail account..otherwise I don't have the passwords to my VPN, Facebook, etc. and the default websites are in Thai, with a different format than the US versions I've been using for 13 years.
I used the Chrome translate but they still weren't the same.
I've always had other devices so didn't worry about losing access my email, but I had to toss my Samsung tablet when it suddenly burned out, and bought a cheap little Huawei Android tablet with a pitiful camera.
I have only been using it for the Kindle and the google translate apps, and never activated the email or Facebook since I hate to text..
I never entered the Thai phone number for backup because I mistakenly thought they'd immediately begin calling my phone from the US to send adverts and run up a huge bill.
Besides, I have changed phones several times in the past few years since I buy cheap ones that only make calls, and they only last about nine months usually.
But due to my negligence, I'm now panicking..I really, really want to get my original accounts back-just my Facebook account is loaded with photos from Thailand.
I kept trying all night..only slept for two hours, but my attempts to enter new passwords just went in circles. Even when google told me I could give a new password and access my gmail, when I did, the website blocked me and called my new passwords "invalid."
This happened in all the accounts whenever I tried to open a new one. It took me hours just to get a new agnositic account and ask the admin for help.
I'm SO not techy.
I use a password manager called Keypass. This is an offline manager that can be installed on your computers and also a portable version to use with a flash drive. Using this you only need to remember one Strong password. I have it on a couple of flash drives, laptop, and desktop. Should both PC's die for some reason, I have a working version on the flash drive. I can use the same password file between them all by just copying the file. Best of all it is open source and free.
Flash drives don't survive very long in Thailand..all the ones I've bought have rusted out in under a year. I'm not very techy, and it was my lack of extra devices that did me in. I've always had a desktop PC, tablets, and laptop, but because I got cancer almost two years ago, I kept trying to move back to the US, and sold off most of my stuff a year ago.
I was too sick to travel, though , so stayed here since the hospitals are cheap and I'm treating the cancer with cannabis oil. So I sold my PC, carelessly allowing my devices to dwindle to two, and the cheap tablet I recently bought I only use for Kindle, and never activated the gmail.
I loaded the laptop into a bag and trudged seven blocks back to the Tesco-Lotus computer shop this morning, telling the "chang" computer guy that my photos were missing. He consulted another tech guy and they finally recovered them..not sure if they're all there, but at least a bunch of them appeared.
They didn't get what I was talking about when I said I couldn't access my gmail and other original accounts and seemed to think all I had to do was to just open new accounts, and that was fine. Then they advised I find a US friend hacker and find a way to access the original gmail account.
Sounds good..whenever I tried to get into my original gmail account, the Thai gmail website kept asking me the same secret question..who was my first teacher. It was my MOM, but no matter how I entered her name, a message came up saying that the answer was "wrong."
There has to be a way to access the rest of my secret security questions, since the Thai website just kept me going in circles all night.
Glad you're back. Your story is a cautionary tale.
Back up all videos, photos and documents each month on an inexpensive separate hard drive. Store the hard drive away from your computer. Thieves will steal your hard drive, too.
Keep passwords on paper. My password list is typed in alphabetical order.
My will explains where my password list is located.