So I know I don't have the most respected opinion about things. Yes, I'm an atheist who hates Trump, supports kneeling, and is pro-choice.
At the same time, I have a good heart and I am a strong supporter of our veterans. It is not surprising that I will run into people who oppose my views and also lack respect for me.
Over the weekend, I met some people that can open up an avenue that enables me to support veterans in a deeper level. Specifically this one person didnt agree with my posts about athletes kneeling and also decided to cut ties with me because my posts had cussing and hes a Christian.
That is okay.
However, I have to admit it does break my heart that some of us cannot be above our own personal agendas to come together for something larger than ourselves. It makes me more emotional than I wish to be. I wish I had thicker skin to take on these close-minded individuals. It's even a bigger shame when these same people do so much good and I was so excited to connect with them and participate.
To each his own, but damn...
I totally know where you're coming from. You can only say fuck them for so long until you run out of island. At a certain point you realize they've simply outnumbered us. We're intelligent, and that frightens them. They do weird shit when they get scared I've learned. One thing is this though: the rejection you're experiencing is about them and not you. THAT is ok.
I have the same views you've listed here. Don't worry about him. I would've kicked him in the nuts.
Their loss! I hope you find an organization that is more interested in you spirit and enthusiasm to help than your personal beliefs and use of flavorful language. Just move on and find other outlets for your empathy.
Oh i definitely respect you, alot of people take there agendas or opinions way way too seriously.., im sorry for your baf experience but please don't let it get ya down. High fives for what you are doing
That is disappointing. I am sorry!
stat girl huh?....what's ur t value??? ha
Why do you think supporting veterans will alienate you from certain people? I know people from all parties who respect veterans.
". . . I don't have the most respected opinion about things."
I have little tolerance for the "close-minded people" and decades ago came to the grim realization that the majority of those in my community lacked rational mental processing skills as their minds have been polluted by accepting faith (belief without evidence) asserted as fact. There are a few quality people out there. Hang with those worthy of your time and feel sorry for those who can not see the beauty of truth or reality.
Yes, DT a joke, but expressing that where im from will quickly brand u as persona nongrata. honestly, i don't have time to care, or the patience necessary, to develop an opinion; i just don't care....They are all f-ing liars!
what gets me about the whole deal the level of credulity it takes to believe a man like Trump has ANYTHING but his own interests in mind. That people actually think he's there to help them---he is NOT!...I can hear him talk for 5 seconds and know, guy full of shit.
Everyone needs a copy of the old movie "A Face in the Crowd" with Andy Griffith...It's a perfect parallel to Trump!
As a lifelong Democrat, feminist and environmentalist, I have been a liberal activist and volunteer since age 18.
One of my best friends is a Trump supporter. We argued about the Confederate flag in her garage ("It stands for racism," I insisted), and the reason why NFL players kneel during the National Anthem.
"They are protesting racial injustice and police brutality against black people," I said. She argued they are disrespecting the flag.
I love her dearly, despite her politics. We agreed to disagree.
At least she took down the Confederate flag. There's hope.
Just do you.. you can never please everyone or take the hate out of people’s hearts. I will never understand how they can support a draft dodger... that’s just me.
during the Nam war I helped my friends and family dodge the draft. Trump is an entirely different animal...if he'd been on the Titanic he would have put on a dress
As someone with similar opinions, sometimes I definitely feel like I'm on an island. I live near Fort Campbell, home of the 101st, and I work with some of these guys on a weekly basis. I have nothing but love and respect for them, yet I am also an atheist who hates Trump, etc etc.
Keep doing good work. It's good to know there are like-minded people out there.
On a separate note, follow our TAP Veteran support group if you're a fellow supporter/vet.