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Written as a response to a statement that astrology is a viable source for real information about life's course and outcome.

According to the current quality, nature, and quantity of available evidence there is a high likelihood that there is no deity, life after death, stars that affect one's life, unicorns, pixies, or danger from black cats. We can conceivably rule out cracks in sidewalks too.

The above, of course, could be wrong, but I think it fair to say that the probability of it being in error is statistically incredibly close to nil. As for arguing for or against things supernatural, there is no point in it because one cannot readily prove a negative --- especially when there is no evidence upon which to base an argument, pro or con. At least not scientifically. Feelings and stories are different things, but emotions and anecdotes never took man to the moon or saved a child from smallpox.

evidentialist 8 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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i wonder, if i asked my guy what star he wanted to be born under, he'd answer "marilyn monroe"?



Great response. Astrology is BS. Everyone knows tarot cards are the path to truth

Absolutley! years ago my wife bought a set of animal cards as a present. It was her way of getting the cards that she wanted disguised as a present for me. We laughed a lot for a long time at that.


There's a reason the horoscopes are printed on the comics page in the newspaper.


Well said but wait a minute, NO CRACKS? I spent years avoiding them as a teenager. O yeah, that explains a lot.

Truth be told, I sought out cracks during my younger years. Don't tell anyone.


Ohferpetessake....see: P. T. BARNUM, again........

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