I can't stand whiners.
You know the type. They constantly complain about their health, or how haaaarrrrdddd life is. Or how they can't cope, or get along, or nobody likes them, or whatever. Life is sooo unnnffaaaaiiirrr! Pooooor meeeee!! Nothing makes them happy. Women mostly do this but men do it too. And it's all for attention.
I so want to say (and have) suck it up, buttercup. Life is hard. You're not special. And if you think things are bad now? They can get a hell of a lot worse. Try living in Somalia. Or Syria. Shit would get real, real fast.
Harsh? Maybe. But cry me a fucking river. I'm over it. ?
Rented an attached ‘cottage’ from a woman whose behavior I eventually had to search online to figure out what I was dealing with.. I believe it’s called a toxic personality, at least that seemed the best fit. Crap - when trapped, I became her captive audience for the continuing misories and injustices of (her) life
We’d become ‘friends’ on facebook, where everything she’d post was ..hideously depressing. Described having been an activist myself, but that you must ‘give people a semblance of hope.’ Nope, more and more of the same.
I met some real crazy’s during temporary rents in locations I was looking to settle. It felt like her behavior represented negative women, and the narcissistic ‘Dr’ I’d rented a room from represented men. Fuck - what a trip!
@JustLynnie Ended up in a beautiful place with normal neighbors.. But what a trip ~
I'm always feel good, happy, energetic, a bad day occasionally, but such is life. When people whine to me, I have no idea what to say to them, so I just nod my head...but I'm thinking "Don't bring me down! " haha
@JustLynnie agreed, but these are my really close gfs. I can't walk away ?
It’s really nothing to do with sex or age....people of all ages fall into basically two personality types. Optimists and pessimists. Pessimists complain and are gloomy by nature and optimists are the opposite. I am glad to say I am an optimist and tend to look favourably on most people and don’t like to bore people with my health concerns or other woes. I do find pessimists can really bring the mood down when around them, but my natural resilience can usually overcome this. The best thing to do is spend as little time as possible in the company of negative people who make you feel angry at their constant complaining.
@JustLynnie I would still advise you to ignore it. If they want attention they will hate it if you can ignore them. I can understand your irritation, I would have the same reaction, but if you can ignore them and bite your tongue they will stop or find someone else to annoy.
I think there’s a third category, ‘realists.’ I appreciate that more than a constant, upbeat cheeriness ..that gets old as fast as it’s counterpart of negativity.. I aim for real
@Varn Believe me I live in the real world and have been around it many times. I was married to a half empty guy whereas I was the opposite...the ying to his yang if you like. I don’t have a constant upbeat cheerieness, I feel sad like other people at times, I just don’t feel the need to inflict it on others. We are all mixtures, our emotions go up and down and I was using optimist and pessimist as general terms which is how our personalities are categorised. There is no such thing as a third personality type who is a realist. I am most definitely a realist but have a more upbeat outlook than others who may be realists too but tend to let reality get them down.