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My guy got hauled away tonight to a hospital with a religious name, but i have never been approached in it by anyone religious, and it's a good hospital. he's having tummy issues and he looks and feels awful. i think he is dehydrated (i tried to get him to take in fluids but i betcha dollars to doughnuts he will be put on an i.v.). i couldn't go but i am on hold with the e.r. to try to find out how he's doing; i waited until enough time passed that he might have been seen by a doctor. if they keep me on hold much longer, he could be seen by two doctors! this is ridiculous. and this is my second call, because the first time i called, i got transferred to limbo.... ah i was just rescued from hold but the news is, the nurses are busy, call back in half an hour. it's almost midnight-thirty. guess i won't be sleeping much tonight. i didn't expect to, anyway. i don't sleep well when he is in the hospital. he's 70, and has issues. i worry about him.


genessa 8 Sep 11

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update: he wasn't released today, he is still being hydrated on i.v., he still has the same problem, no one can find anything wrong, and it could be as long as a week and a half before he comes home. they want him symptom-free or, they say, he'll just be back. besides, at his age, dehydration can be deadly. so he is unhappy and lonely. i may be able to get a ride to visit him in the hospital on friday.



update: they've admitted him. he's sleeping. he was WAY dehydrated and is still receiving fluids. his chest x-ray showed no problems. his tummy is distended. he is scheduled for a ct scan of said tummy in a few hours. i will call back later and find out how that went. the nurse sounded a little sleep-deprived! i know i am.



There's usually a shift change at midnight , and all nurses have to be briefed on all of the patients . Generally takes a bit of time , an hour or so .

that would explain it 🙂)



I hope things work out ok.

thanks! they said i need not call back at any certain hour and they would call me if anything happened. i doubt they call folks back at this hour for an x-ray result unless it's serious.



update: he's dehydrated. that's all they know so far. i told them he was dehydrated; the man doesn't listen to me! i told him to hydrate like mad, but noooooo. so he's on an iv now. they're waiting for the x-rays and the blood tests (they couldn't even GET blood from him until after they hydrated him a bit!) so it's a no-update kind of update, except for confirmation of what i already knew: the man is stubborn.


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