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Goodbye cruel world.

Florence, if you can, please smite the ex before you get to me.

Send beer.

onlyduh 7 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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now you've copied Marion Gordon Robertson JUNIOR, alias Pat 700 Club Robertson who declares often hurricanes are directed by the alleged gawd Jehovah Geebush Ghostholes to punish homosexuals and school teachers who don't force their schoolchildren to prEy to the flag...smite thine enemies with perfect hatred is the true message of 139th Psalm which is a war prEyer of the unborn to thank the alleged patriarchal deity for "knitting me in my mother's secret parts" "wonderously marvelously made" all fucking religions have zero to do with in utero activities until government "doctors" force women to stay pregnant no matter what under the Kavanaugh US Sup Ct of 6 papists lies opined there


I thought this woudl be more fun than the Pink Floyd song....


Do you hear the mountains calling?


If you need a place to stay, I'm in Atlanta.

@onlyduh Yup. 5bed 4bath fully finished basement with your own bathroom.


This may have worked! the latest spaghetti paths show it taking a sharp left.

You may be in the path too ?

@Buddha unfortunately I am directly in the path. The latest I read is that it's going to make landfall on Friday but it's such a huge hurricane we're going to feel the effects
With high winds and massive amounts of rain. As it continues to move forward, we will get very high winds and some more massive amounts of rain.

@Kojaksmom are you thinking about evacuating?

@Buddha no I'm riding it out.

Now, I'll be worried about you the whole time... 😟

@Buddha aww thank you, I'll be ok. I could swim and I own a kayak! The problem with evacuating is if I get out I may not be able to get back in for a long time.

@SpikeTalon thank you.


Lmao! Cold!


Go west young lady, go west !!!
Good luck...
Your right in the line. Yikes !


Meh, you're on the fringe. You'll be fine as long as you don't run out of beer. LOL!

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