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How evangelical are you about your lack of faith?

Reason1984 3 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to be militant about it when I first came to my loss of faith six years ago. Now I could care less. I was just curious.


i will share pertinent memes now and again, but i don't go out of my way to try to persuade folks to stop following the religions of their choice. i will fight back when attacked for not believing, though. that's not evangelism. that's self-defense.



You know I almost have to consider that an oxymoron


Unless the subject of religion comes up for some reason and someone asks me my religion or tries to proselytize me then they wouldn't know. If someone does ask me or tries to convert me then we have a conversation. I enjoy discussing religion with anyone.

gearl Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

Not in the slightest. If no one ever asked (and they rarely do) they wouldn't know I was a godless bastard.



Not at all. Even when someone tries to proselytize me to their way of thinking, I just politely demur. If someone's belief is not based in reason there is no point in using reason to argue. And I hate arguing about anything.


Not at all. I never try to change anyone's mind. And rarely discuss it.

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