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Who said Britain could never be trusted in the light let alone the night?
Found meddling in Syria trying to overthrow the Assad government?

FrayedBear 9 Sep 13

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It’s a pity they hadn’t succeeded.


It has been known among us "conspiracy nut jobs" that the UK/US plot was for mass regime change in the middle east since at the latest 2007, probably some think as far back as the 1990's.
The plan being to effectively blockade Saudi Arabia and control the other oil producing nations for the benefit of the west, so as to make sure when the fossil fuel economy of the world goes tits up ( and we are already on the down slide of the bell curve of world wide oil production, and have been since the back end of 1977) The US and UK hold on to the market till last last.
We could have diversified out energy needs 30 years ago, stretched out the oil and eased in renewables but the demand for a year on year economic growth by the oil and oil dependant industries put paid to that, now we are rushing to keep up as the last dregs of poor quality oil is sucked out of the earth.
When the oil is gone see how long the West's disgusting love affair with the house of Saud lasts and how long "international peace keepers " stay in the middle east, when there is no longer the need to keep oil prices low by instigating destabilising wars that demand quick cash an a constant supply of cash and weapons for cheap oil.
The UK is the worlds armourer it is our governments major source of legitimate and illegitimate income, for our rich and elite wars is good and people are an expendable commodity.

Why do anything smart and sustainable when the race to the bottom of the well is SO much fun? 😉

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