Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can not get more time.
money can buy time.
if i had SOME money i could buy time before i become homeless, which at the moment is a real possibility.
if i had a LOT of money i could buy time for abused women and children whose lives and sanity are in danger from their abusers, for it i had a lot of money i would open a shelter for them that included gardens and equine therapy.
if i had a SHITLOAD of money i could buy time for alzheimer's/other dementia patients by founding a village like the one they have in the netherlands, for when they are so accommodated they actually do live longer and more happily.
It is a matter of degrees. Would you sell an hour of your time for a billion dollars? I could "buy" a good deal of time with a billion dollars.
I get your point though.
@zarathustra13 Still would, a billion more dollars to support the causes I care about seems like a good trade.