I've never voted but in 2020 I'm voting libertarian, I come to a strong conclusion today thinking about how I grew up in a home with Republican parents that literally pushed me out to find myself living with two bloated up proud liberal roommates that never shut up talking out of both sides of their mouth, we got off on the subject the other night while grilling out about the army ones telling me how bad the troops have which I agree I don't know what it's like I can imagine it hard, and I told him I wish they would reinstate the draft and make it mandatory to serve because the most of the young adults today fresh out of high school join up of their own free will just to get some big grant and get college paid for and then I don't maybe they screw them maybe it works out for them, but they're going in with selfish reasons I think it'd make it a lot easier knowing you didn't have a choice
congratulations. your libertarian vote will help elect republicans.
Yeah I know that's whats funny about it. I wish i would have taped stuff from the last one. The way the media made every thing look. After a long complex question trumps answer we're gonna be making America great again. I don't care , I think liberals win one and the Republicans make them out to be communist then republicans win, liberals make them out to be greedy fascist. Both sides don't do anything but fuck up America and make themselves rich, but the last one was just fucking hilarious to watch. Those stupid hats a lot of people upset ripping up trump signs making a scene walking out.
Wow. In general I think everyone should vote, but you ought to work a few things out first.
I plan on get a notebook to categorize my thoughts
I don't force myself to vote for someone simply because they have a R or a D stamped on them. I hate the 2 party system! I wish Sanders would have gotten President. Johnson didn't have a snowballs chance in hell. So if you think one party is better than another, you need to look at what they want to do. Unless if they are lying.
What if the President was elected by who survived thunder dome and be a dictator over a nation with very little laws or moral values and every thing outside of his or her castle and outside of the guards was chaos and anarchy
i don't have to force myself to vote for someone with a d. i like the d party and i vote for people whom i like individually; funnily enough, they turn out to be d. the two-party system is the only system that works in a democratic republic. in a parliamentary system, there are coalitions. you can have as many parties as you want and they have to cooperate. in our system, the winner SHOULD cooperate but the republicans don't, and the libertarians call themselves republican in order to maintain the majority. with republicans in power, not only are there no coalitions, but winner takes all. that's not how it should work, but when one party is totally corrupt, that is how it DOES work. is the democratic party perfect? name something perfect! but there is a difference between not being perfect and being corrupt and evil.