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I'm going to put my boat in the water and go save some of the imbeciles sitting on rooftops but first I'm going to ask them if they are Trump supporters as I go along. If anyone says they are Trump supporters ill throw them a roll of paper towels and leave them there. Fuck them.

Anonbene 8 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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that's not only mean, it's ridiculous. not everyone had the means to leave. not everyone has a car. some people are disabled. i know of one guy who stayed because he owned a pet shop with over 100 animals in it and he spent the time he could have spent escaping rescuing the animals and bring them to his own home instead. you gonna ask him who he voted for?


Yes. You sound like the Brett Kavanaugh defenders.

@Anonbene no i don't, but thanks for being insulting enough to say so.


People stay for all sorts of reasons. I have a friend who rode it out so that her Island would be empty and it would give her a chance to trim her neighbor's overgrown shrubs without him knowing who did it. Lol?


Save them and then say "this is Trump's fault".

No, they need to feel "The Hurt".


Sounds reasonable. Their actions as tRump supporters are producing an environment that degrade our world so why not let them enjoy the outcomes of their choice (stay in house) and promote tRump position.

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