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I'm of the thought that if you are given ample time and opportunity to evacuate during a mandatory evacuation and you stay, you are on your own. Making our first responders stay to take care of your stubborn ass is reckless and stupid.

onthefire 7 Sep 14

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i heard the reason one guy and his family stayed. he owned a pet shop with more than 100 animals in it. he stayed to get them all to his house, to what he hoped was safety.



Here's what I think would be fair. When a mandatory evacuation order is decreed, those who need help because they can't get to a shelter would have a number to call and help would be provided for them. And then a statement would be made that for anyone who refused to leave or refused help to leave, no first responders would be available to help. It would seem from the media that there were a fair number who chose to stay -- even after someone came to their door to enforce the mandatory evacuation order. Then they got scared and called for help. I really think those people should be on their own. First responders take enough risks without having to endanger themselves to help people who tried to ride it out.


This is understandable for those who are just stubborn. I have much more empathy for those who are to poor to leave.


"I'm really upset at myself for staying" - Tales of Rescue and Heartbreak in Hurricane Florence's Wake



As a first responder....I agree...& yet...😩😩😩

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