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Ignorance of a child yields delusional happiness?

Today a fourth grade girl who always appears to have a happy smile told me of her mother who is dead now lives in a happier place.

Of course I did not tell her that when you die, you are dead and no longer alive but this example makes me very sad; not that this very nice girl lost her mother, but that she now believes her dead mother is still alive; just living in a different place.

To what end?

Brings to mind a similar discussion with a sad seventh or eighth (long ago) grader who killed herself so (according to the suicide note her friends found) she could "Live with Jesus and her dead father in heaven." 😟

NoMagicCookie 8 Sep 14

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Au contraire, Einstein taught us that all matter is a form of energy, so since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form.

No reason to think energy souls or entities don't exist, and quantum physics already tells us different dimensions exist.

"For physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." -Einstein


Thousands of years ago , at a time when life , death , all the terrors of the world , were not understood , a child lost someone near and dear to them . How can a parent or sibling comfort that child ? Someone made up a fairy tale . Instead being placed in the ground and having a lot of dirt locking that special someone underground for forever , or the body shredded by hungary wild animals , the loved one went to a better place , to wait for the time when they could be together again . We still don't know for sure , and the fairy tale continues to be told .

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