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If there is a such thing as a creator I think we have the wrong idea about who it is. I think omnipotent heavenly deities and magic and miracles is a bit of a cop out. If we do have a creator it would make more sense that it would be something along the Engineers from Prometheus. One of the oldest creation stories (according to Stichin) involves someone from another planet splicing their DNA with ape to create man. Im not big on UFO conspiracy, but it makes more sense than the bible....

Ktruin 5 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Wasn't there a brilliant explanation in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy about earth life originating from the trash piles of alien cockroaches...? I think that's a pretty reasonable explanation

Its been years, but I loved the Douglas Adams books!


i have no wrong, or right, idea of who "the" creator is, since i do not believe there is any such thing as a creator (obviously i am not talking about artists). as for "the oldest" creation stories -- something mentioning dna can't possibly be among the oldest, since we have only known about dna since the 20th century.



You obviously don't mean creator of the universe but creator of humanity, right? So at the moment we don't know how life exactly started on earth (abiogenesis) and one theory is that extraterrestrial life came to earth in its infancy (panspermia). This is pure speculation, though.
Given that we have a pretty good picture about how homo sapiens evolved and the fact that we share DNA with pretty much all life on earth this theory that aliens "spliced" their DNA with apes holds no water at all. This is wishful thinking to make us seem special when we are not.

Dietl Level 7 Sep 15, 2018

We don't have a good picture or understanding of anything. Don't fool yourself.

Anything? So the highly complex machine in front of your face just fell from the sky, I guess.

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