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What movie had the most impact on you the first time you saw it?

Crow616 4 Sep 15

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Jaws...ruined my love for the beach.
Hawaii...followed Micheners novel fairly close...started hating Religion when I read the book at age 12.


Whatever porn movie I saw first.


It's a toss-up about which of these two had the most impact; Miracle on 34th Street, the 1947 version, or The Goodbye Girl (1977).

Ben Hur (1959) was pretty powerful but i was only 13 years old. LLOL


Fucking Free Willy. I still can't watch it to this day. I go right off the deep end.



BkCAT Level 4 Sep 15, 2018

Lawrence of Arabia. I was about 10 or 11.

Loved the music...

@Varn I still love watching the movie to this day.


Perhaps, ‘Twelve Angry Men,’ long before my time … yet so telling of groupthink and oppression..

Varn Level 8 Sep 15, 2018

Love that movie.

@patchoullijulie Yes, though likely couldn’t find it if I tried..


Silent Running - empathy only goes so far
The Mission - for its portrayal of personal redemption
Mosquito Coast - even the brightest minds break down


Saving Private Ryan.


A Clockwork Orange - Masterpiece Trailer

When asked what he thought of it, Anthony Burgess said he liked it, but didn't know what it had to do with his book. Thought that was hilarious.

@chalupacabre for fun we used to read his book out loud to each other while we drink lol


Enter The Dragon. For a few years I believed in God and his name was Bruce Lee.


Just remembered

The Killing Fields

Fuck me what an eye opener


Probably Alien. Hadn't really thought that space and sci-fi could be that sinister and scary


Schindler's List. And it's one of the few films I can't watch again.

Have only seen it once - ran it in my home theater for a half dozen people. The thought of watching that (on the big screen) alone would be very difficult.

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